What I stand for.
Poets Against The War, ca. 2003...and still counting. We can't continue waging endless wars.
The book "Cry Out: Poets Against The War" - introduction with words from John Winthrop, the 1st Governor of the Bay Colony.
Introduction: Poets Against the War (2003)
End Endless War Economy

This concludes Poets Against the War section.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
How I met Jack Healy
Universal Declaration of Human Rights- Continued
Reversing Citizens United Story - this is how we made Vermont the first state to call for the reversal of Citizens United- it also prompted me to run for political office.
National Debt
National Debt #2
Repeal the Patriot Act
Repeal the Patriot Act continued
Prioritizing Health through safe food and regenerative agriculture ​
​Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
​Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
​Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
Respecting Natural Environment
Respecting Natural Environment 2
Respecting Natural Environment 3
Create alternative Economy
Create alternative Economy 2
Citizens united #1
Citizens united #2
Citizens united #3
Citizens united #4
Citizens united #5
Citizens united #6
Citizens united #7
Citizens united #8